Monday, September 22, 2014

Becoming an Influencer: Obtaining Fulfillment Through Team Behavior

It all comes down to the big question-what is the meaning of life?In an attempt to extract the most possible value from this question, and apply it to the marketplace in our modern world, I ask this question instead: what gives your life meaning?This inquiry can be reworded in several different ways to offer fresh perspectives as well:
- What makes you feel passionate as a human being?
- What gives your life a sense of purpose?
- How can we take the work that we do throughout our lives, in all of our thoughts and our actions and our behaviors, and use this to make our lives meaningful?These questions, as well as the search for their answers, can be applied to every aspect of our day-to-day lives. Specifically, considering them in relation to our workplace environment.With that being said, how do we obtain our personal fulfillment within an organization?Indeed, the act of asking these questions, some if not most of which have no distinct answers, is the initial step needed to address rethinking the structure of an effective and creative organization.A conscious examination of our motives can be useful not only for the obtainment of our own personal fulfillment, but also to help us further understand how to harness a genuine sense of purpose in our lives and cause that purpose to spread-to help those around us.In our modern world, technology makes it possible for just about anyone to share what is on his or her mind and to connect those thoughts on a global scale.
With a population upwards of 7 billion people, we are faced with a lot of ideas!The idea of becoming an influencer, of starting movements, of creating and empowering trends, can be accomplished through successful team behavior. This is most significantly made possible through strong leadership and effective communication.Now, let us take a step back from leadership and team behavior, for a moment, in order to better understand the importance an influencer plays on impacting an organization.

An influencer holds the role as leader, and the leader acts as a catalyst. His or her individualistic thoughts and motives are what will give a specific goal or vision value.Why-because the leader is not afraid to step forward and take action.So, when applying the concept of leadership to an organization, who should step forward as a leader? Well, if the goal is to maximize the productivity of your organization, the answer is: everyone.Imagine the enormous benefits of every single individual within your organization both taking action and communicating as a leader. What would be some of the results?
- effective communication of ideas, goals, and visions to all members involved in a creative project
- the involvement of every team member in creating a necessary plan of action towards the obtainment of your organization's objectives
- increased personal accountability towards individual thoughts and actions
- a higher sense of purposeDo you like seeing results? Let everyone within your organization have the creative freedom necessary to maximize his or her productivity. Remove the reigns and allow the individuals within your organization to take responsibility for their actions.If every individual within an organization is allowed the creative freedom to take charge and achieve the goals of the organization in his or her own way, does that not in turn increase productivity?What about team morale? Does this newfound sense of purpose and mutual cooperation help an individual grow as both a valued member and leader of the team?If every individual within your organization experiences personal growth and increases his or her productivity-how does that affect the organization as a whole?This is the effect of team behavior within an organization. It affects everybody, and it begins with you.

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