Friday, October 31, 2014

Nobody Told Me It Would Be Like This: Managing Change to Achieve More

What has driven me through confusion, doubt and even triumphs is the desire in me to explore every aspect of Rosalind. Each of us is unexplored territory. Unfortunately, many of us depend on external sources to define us or we take cosmetic looks every now and then, and miss how wonderfully we are made and how each of us have a purpose that brings joy to self and others.Few wholeheartedly pursue knowing oneself. Let me tell you. It's like going on a life time treasure hunt. Keep digging you'll find more gold, more interests that bring more definition to the talents you've already discovered. I rediscovered recently my love for science, particularly epigenetics. So, I'm plunging myself into the subject, and am observing how it coalesces with my interest in leadership development, relationship studies, healing and writing. What fun.When we are brave enough to go inward and mine our secret places, we come out with a greater appreciation for how God created us, and thus our confidence builds.However, what is rarely discussed is the process of change necessary to position ourselves to hone our passions and monetize them. Early on, I wish I could have had a traveling companion who was familiar with the terrain, pointing to the signposts of change along the journey to success! I would have braced myself better for the bumps and sharp turns!There are many recurring themes as you stretch into uncomfortable arenas but I'll name two---frustration and fear. Let's discuss them and I'll share tips on how to manage them.FrustrationUsually, it is deep frustration that propels us into exploring our passions. Perhaps, you lost your job, or you find you've outgrown the one you're presently in. Or perhaps your values shifted and freedom, living a life on purpose drives you. At this point, looking into running your own business becomes a possibility. And it brings excitement.But know the excitement will wane as realizations begin to hit you. If you are a business newbie, stretching into business seems at times overwhelming. Trying to market yourself to distinguish yourself from the crowd, attempting to manage the little money you have, and realizing the more you need business to pick up, the slower it goes.First, know that this is part of stretching and growing. Be gentle with yourself as you locate where you are and acknowledge the gap between your present position and where you'd like to go.Also, get help. Refuse to go it alone. Decide which step is the most important one make first. Do you need to write a business plan? Do you need to pick up a part time job to secure the family financially?

There are countless business support organizations that can educate you like the Small Business Administration. Many chambers have a business section too. The chamber can also get you business and connect you to other business people who can support you emotionally and practically.Need a part-time job? Put the word out among family and friends and watch you attract it. Stretching is uncomfortable, but necessary because we need to mature. But if we create strategies and tactics about how to handle frustrations then they become more bearable.FearThe basis of my fear in business has been the realization of my weaknesses along the journey. A decade ago, I trembled and stuttered when I made cold calls to sell my speaking services. Now, I feel no fear at all doing it. I also remembered grasping at business programs and mentors because I "just knew this would skyrocket me into success." Instead, I mindlessly spent money with little return on my investment. I am very careful on what I spend my money on now.Here is the good news. Try as we may to reach our goals, we cannot without the help from others. Are you someone who starts things but don't finish them? How many years have been stuck in this place, promising each year you'll be better. Willpower alone cannot get us to the goal. If you are unhappy with your current state, can I make a suggestion? Try a new behavior!This principle is a gold nugget. People are the answer to our lacks.There are those around you who are strong finishers, for example, who can model, support you and hold you accountable for finishing until this new habit becomes a part of you. What it requires is simple---someone you can speak to once or twice a week. You want someone who is judgmental but won't accept your excuses for not reaching your goals you stated you'd accomplish the week before. They are also your cheerleader, wanting your very best. With this type of support, it is as if you are being refueled from the outside which stimulates motivation and help you close the gaps in your character.Frustration and fear are the boogie men on the path of change. However, if we are prepared for them by using the aforementioned principles you can manage them, and reach the life you've designed.

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