Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Three Ways Your Organization Is Putting Its Data Integrity Strategy in Jeopardy

Lack of data integrity - the assurance, accuracy, and consistency of data - can harm your data-intensive, customer-oriented applications, transactions, and processes. When data becomes unreliable, everyone from customers to C-level managers question the credibility of the business-level activities that use it as justification. If a health insurer cannot trust the demographic data of a particular risk pool, for example, how can they accurately determine the premium rates the group should pay? Organizations must build an effective data integrity (DI) strategy to maximize the return on their systems and data. Let's look at some of the reasons our data integrity plans goes awry, and what we can do to resolve the problem.Migration from Legacy to Strategic SystemsA past tendency of organizations to deploy systems in a haphazard way resulted in multiple, disparate systems that operate independently without a standard framework or language. This lack of integration makes business transformation problematic. Over time, as these legacy systems are migrated to newer strategic systems, data inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and operational delays can develop; all of which adversely affect customer experience and revenue.OutagesUntimely outages may lead to stuck orders, unprocessed transactions, and bad data. For example, a bank whose ATM transaction processing suffers an outage will be forced to enter those transactions into their General Ledger by hand, risking keying errors. Alternatively, a CRM outage may mean that while and online customer transaction is made, and the payment is received, that buyer's information may not be retained for service or marketing purposes later.

System Design or Architecture FlawsSometimes, simple oversight can cause downstream problems that adversely affect the organization. System design problems create situations in which incorrect information is populated across multiple systems. Such errors might not be immediately recognizable, but typically present themselves in distinct ways... such as on the balance sheet. For example, your customer pays online with a Direct Debit option but the transaction is classified as Net 10 in the billing system. The customer may face undeserved late fees, and unwanted hassle, due to a perceived late payment.Automate to Preserve Data IntegrityThe errors and delays that result from a lack of data integrity can be avoided by employing software that automates manual business and desktop processes. Automation software works like a "digital employee"; standardizing, formatting and moving data during migrations from legacy to strategic systems. In the case of outages, the technology enters transactions into the core system or other systems of record with total accuracy, rather than taxing your traditional employees and risking errors. Automation is also used to handle transactions and other complex processes, moving information from a website's back end and into accounting, CRM, and order fulfillment systems with ease.In each of these cases, the key to avoiding a breakdown in data integrity is to ensure consistency in your data, avoid human error, and preserve the link between your integrated applications. Make automation technology part of your organization's data integrity strategy to make sure your future decisions and customer service are sound.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Strategy and How to Get Some

If I had a dollar for every time I've heard a business coach say, strategy is crucial for success!, I would be writing to you now from my hammock on a Tahitian beach, and servants would be bringing me another umbrella drink. It's gotten to be so commonplace, that it's a given.It makes a lot of sense. Strategy is important.The problem is, no one actually teaches you how to develop a strategy (at least, no one I've seen). They just tell you, get some.It's like a story I recently heard about a traveler deep in the African bush who wanted to buy a cola drink from a small shop, miles from any other commercial enterprise. You could buy one only if you gave them an empty bottle first. He didn't have an empty bottle. He could only get one if he could buy a drink first.You may sometimes feel like such a traveler with strategy, trying to find your way in a jungle, and the only advice is to get something you have no way of getting from where you are, without the thing you are trying to get.With that confusing conundrum, it's no wonder that entrepreneurs have trouble knowing where to start when it comes to strategy.Strategy sounds really big. It sounds like grown-up, big business stuff. It can feel inaccessible.I'd like to make it accessible to you by first sharing what it is not.Strategy is not a plan of action. Strategy does not spring, fully formed, from the forehead of you, the head honcho entrepreneur, like Zeus' offspring. Strategy is not only for big business.You can put a lot of pressure on yourself by thinking in those terms. And it serves you very little.Instead, think of strategy as thoughtful meandering.What!!?!! Strategy is supposed to be big-brain, carefully thought out, planned to the nth degree, isn't it?Not necessarily.Strategy is more about following the breadcrumbs than it is sitting in your bathtub and yelling, 'Eureka!' as whole-picture inspiration strikes.Strategy that reflects your unique business, your authentic self, is a whole lotta creative effort that evolves over time.So. First. Initiate. Start where you are. Get a clear idea of where you are right now. This is the thoughtful part of strategy. Let's say you want to develop a strategy for promoting one of your services. Where are you right now? What are you currently doing?Next. Evaluate. How well is what you are currently doing working? This is going to involve some numbers, some analysis. You can get pretty detailed here, so start simply: how many visits does this service get on your website? If it's not on your website yet, that's the first part of your strategy!Analytics can get pretty sophisticated, including social media, which I won't address here. If analytics are your thing, do some research to find out what tools are available, and think about whether what they can measure will tell you what you want to know.

Third step. Innovate. Now that you know where you are and how well people are responding to your current efforts, you can start to get creative.This is where the meandering I mentioned earlier comes in.Play around with different options, imagine where they might lead, and how the steps you'd follow would play out at the receiving end (where your clients are!). At this stage it helps to map out the steps so you can follow the trail.When you come upon the option that makes the most sense to you, that feels right (the best strategy has both elements!), then your strategy process is complete. From here, go ahead and make a plan to put it into action.Last step. Improvise. Allow for serendipity. When you get an unexpected outcome after any step in implementing your strategy, adjust for it. Learn what you can from it, and make changes to your strategy accordingly.Strategy is an evolving, living process. There's no right or wrong. There's only what works and what doesn't, and how you respond.Strategy is an art. Find a balance between the focus you need in order to put your strategy into action, and making adjustments to it as you see things more clearly. The strategic artist can do both, maintaining momentum through focused action, while adjusting course as the wind shifts.Reducing the process of developing strategy to 4 steps sounds really simple, and in a way, it is. The essence of developing strategy can be distilled into these steps. How far you take each step will determine the sophistication of your strategy.When I work with others to develop strategy, that's in essence what we do. Depending on where they are in their business, strategy can be fairly straightforward, with one or two main areas of focus, or it can be pretty involved with a lot of moving parts. Either way, it's transformative. It moves them to another level with their business.The same is true for you. Your business will be transformed when you start creating and implementing strategy to move toward your goals.Take it easy. Start with a simple strategy using the steps of Initiate, Evaluate, Innovate, and Improvise. As you get better at it, as you learn to ask clearer questions, and as your vision expands, you'll be able to develop more far-reaching strategies.The important thing is to start. Thinking through what you want and how you're going to get there are essential to creating the business success you want. Start with a little strategy.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Your Brainstorming Invitee List: Why Diversity Is the Mother of Innovation

Who do you typically brainstorm with? The same group of people, time after time? Do you ever detect a certain "sameness" in the ideas generated?Are you surprised???The quality and creative yield of ideas in any brainstorming session will only be as good as the people who make up the group. In today's highly competitive, innovation-driven marketplace, truly breakthrough thinking almost always depends upon high quality collaboration.In his book, Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration, author Keith Sawyer explains, "When we collaborate, creativity unfolds across people; the sparks fly faster, and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Collaboration drives creativity because innovation always emerges from a series of sparks-never a single flash of insight. This is the essence of group creativity."Group Creativity and FlowThe most productive brainstorming sessions occur when the group becomes so absorbed in their activity that they slip into a state of creative flow. Flow is that peak performance state athletes refer to as "The Zone." It occurs when a group becomes single-mindedly focused in its creative problem solving activity, all sense of time, place, and self-consciousness (ego) disappear. Everyone feels highly alert and on top of their game. It is under these conditions that a unified sense of effortless collaboration emerges; the group begins to function as a single, collective mind that intuitively knows the best ways to build upon, amplify, or refine one another's ideas.Clearly, selecting the most appropriate and effective group for your specific challenge is the key to an enjoyable, super-productive idea generation session.Creating a "Dream Team' vs. Inviting the "Usual Suspects"If you were a basketball coach with your eye set on the championship, you would want to assemble an all-star, powerhouse team of accomplished players. You wouldn't settle for a mixed bag of amateurs that just happened to be nearby and were easy to recruit. To assemble this "Dream Team," you would scout for the most talented athletes who possessed the specific skills, talent and experience your team would need to win.Likewise, when faced with a tough business challenge, shouldn't you carefully evaluate who in your organization or network possesses the best knowledge, skills and experience to successfully tackle the challenge? Shouldn't your goal be to assemble the smartest, most capable, most creative problem-solving all-stars you can find?Surprisingly, few brainstorm leaders invest adequate time or effort in this important step. They forego any due diligence scouting and more often than not simply extend invitations to the "usual suspects" (those who work in the same department or division, or work on the same product, service, account, etc.). Most don't even consider the value of inviting "outsiders," since they already know and feel comfortable with the usual suspects. After all, "the team" understands your product, service, goods, or process; and they understand the underlying issues, situation, and challenges, right? Aren't these people the best qualified to help you develop innovative solutions to your problem?Not necessarily.Conformity/uniformity in thinking (groupthink), a lack of objectivity or perspective, internal politics or infighting, personal agendas, and a general aversion to risk-taking or radical new ideas are all common pitfalls experienced when the same group of people come together repeatedly to generate ideas. When participants work under the same conditions and circumstances, confront the same challenges day in and day out, repeatedly run into the same limitations or obstacles, and share the same assumptions about what is or is not possible, options can appear scarce-boxing in the group's thinking abilities.

The power of diversityWho you invite to your brainstorming session can have a dramatic impact on your productivity and the session's ultimate success. When you deliberately recruit a diverse group of participants-an all-star team from different backgrounds, cultures, genders, age, talents, skills, knowledge, expertise and perspectives-you exponentially increase your group's ability to deliver innovative solutions.In Group Genius, Keith Sawyer also writes, "... when solving complex, non-routine problems, groups are more effective when they're composed of people who have a variety of skills, knowledge, and perspective." He goes on to say, "The reason groups are so effective at generating innovation is that they bring together far more concepts and bodies of knowledge than any one person can. Group genius can happen only if the brains in the team don't contain all the same stuff."7 ways to enhance diversity in your groups

Invite a mix of generations. Boomers, Gen-X, Millennials... They each bring a different generational perspective, values and skill sets, cultural reference points, beliefs, attitudes and archetypes.

Invite a range of expertise, professional backgrounds, and specialties. Great ideas can come from anyone. People from any discipline, even one not directly related to the challenge at hand, may offer incredible insights and value. Chances are someone has already solved a problem similar to yours in a different company, industry or country.

Balance gender and social orientation. Just as different generations can provide a variety of perspectives, so can individuals with diverse personal backgrounds.

Invite people from different countries of origin. Thanks to today's global economy, we are increasingly working side-by-side with individuals from across the country and across the globe. Capitalize on their diverse world viewpoints and cultural understandings. Cultural fusion is a powerful element of innovation.

Invite right- and left-brain thinkers. Yes, in the same group! Creative types and linear thinkers, artists and bean counters. You may not think they'll mix well. But in fact, the Yin and Yang of linear/analytical and non-linear/creative thinkers can be an important element in the creative process.

Invite introverts and extroverts. Maybe add a dash of Myer's-Briggs personality types. Look for individuals with different ways of perceiving and interpreting: feeling, intuiting, judging, etc. This will add a richer dimension to your group's problem solving abilities.

Throw in one or two "wild cards." An unexpected participant can stir things up and add a new dynamic into the mix. You can invite customers, clients, suppliers, kids, etc.-anyone who can provide fresh, new perspectives on your challenge.
It's often said that "variety is the spice of life." It just might also be the "secret sauce" in successful brainstorms. Take the time to assemble your brainstorming dream team. Rather than settle for "same old, same old," try embracing the unexpected!It works for the most innovative companies in the world. And it will work for you, too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What Is Innovation?

Recently I received an award for business innovation. As I've contemplated this award, I've asked myself what is business innovation. My motto in business is, Innovation, Solutions, Service, so what is innovation?It might seem like a simple answer, you can say it means new ideas, or new ways of looking at things. To me innovation means a lot more. It means being on the forefront of your industry. It means researching the industry you are in and then researching similar or like minded industries and finding lasting solutions for your business. Solutions that engender success and move you to your ultimate goals. Because no matter who you are, if you or your business doesn't have set goals you are not moving forward and will eventually flutter out of existence.A business entity is a living breathing thing. If organized correctly, it will continue to live long after the founder has gone. Therefore just like you can't go through life with the same skill set that you used when a baby, you have to grow and evolve as a business. As you pass through the infancy stage of business you have to start looking at ways to re-energize your base clientele and bring new customers to the door. Look at most successful businesses and you will see this practiced time and time again. For example, there was a time when McDonald's would have been satisfied making cheeseburgers and fries and leaving it at that. But their market analysts saw the writing on the wall and they began offering salads and alternatives to the traditional hamburger. Carl's Jr. started beating them up in their advertising so they introduced the Angus burger line. Now they are marketing the McCafe motif and renovating their stores to be more "upscale" with a modern look. They are no longer the children's restaurant, but the young professional adults cafe. This shift in marketing happened over time because they were able to see the industry shift and stay ahead of the curve. It was proactive rather than reactive. Many small business owners operate under a reactive mentality and therefore are unable to move their business past year five of operation.That is just one example of how a business must incorporate innovation into their business model. Now, I am not saying that you have to be constantly renewing your business and introducing every fad into your business model. Fads come and go, you shouldn't bankrupt yourself trying to always be on the cutting edge. You can research each new trend and determine by your experience and customer demographic whether or not something might work for you. Things that work in New York City, might not work or be practical in Stockton, Utah, and that's okay. Your customers will help you sometimes determine if something will work or not. Also, instead of going all in and making the change and expecting your customers to like it, do a trial run for a limited time and see how it is accepted. That way your investment is minimal if it doesn't work for your business.

Another aspect of innovation in business is preparing a long-term and short-term plan on how you want to grow your business. Since you don't want to bankrupt yourself by trying to implement everything overnight, make a plan on what things you can effectively implement now, and in the near future to increase sales and stabilize your business operations. Then take the things that you want to implement in a year or two years and make a plan on how you are going to do it and what needs to be done prior to implementation. Set measurable benchmarks to ensure that you are moving towards those goals. And remember don't get discouraged if your one year plan is taking a little longer, because some things are just hard to plan for. The important thing is that you have a plan in place and that you are constantly reviewing the plan and adjusting as needed, but don't just feel that you can freely adjust and postpone things all the time, you need to challenge yourself to make it and then do it.In conclusion, it is my personal opinion that I've formulated over the last 18 years of my life, that every business owner should be a master of innovation. You should always try and set your business in the forefront of your industry. Be the benchmark that other similar businesses are measured against. Don't be left behind and become the dinosaur of the industry or worst yet just another business fatality on the highway of success.

Friday, December 12, 2014

How to Know When You're Ready to File a Nonprovisional Patent Application

If you have a provisional patent application pending on your invention, you have one year to assess the production / distribution / marketing costs versus the potential profitability of your idea, before filing a nonprovisional patent application. If that sounds like a pretty big to-do list to complete in a year, it definitely is.Holding a provisional patent application pending, but failing to file a nonprovisional patent application by the one year deadline, assumes you have abandoned your invention, you lose the right to that filing date, and could potentially lose ownership rights to the invention. This outcome is fine if you have done your research and determined that the invention isn't a viable business. It's not fine if you haven't completed all of your research prior to the deadline. Unfortunately extensions are not possible.As you conduct research to determine the commercial viability of your invention, you will want to spend a lot of time qualifying the professionals you will be hiring to complete their role during this information-gathering phase. Don't assume that everyone you meet is the right fit to assess your invention.Keep in mind that every step of this process meant to compile data to determine if you have a profitable business idea. That is the unanswered question you need to resolve before the one year deadline. Are there enough potential customers in the market, who are capable of paying the cost per piece to produce the product, as well as generate a profit for you, to make it worth your while to pursue this further?To produce a prototype, you will need to hire a design engineer who is capable of bringing your invention to life. I strongly recommend that you put a written agreement in place stating that they will sign over any rights to their contributions to your invention, to avoid additional complications down the road. Additionally, you will investigate potential manufacturing facilities and evaluate the costs associated with each.The next question at this phase is funding to commercialize your invention. Many inventors have chosen to go the crowdfunding route, but not many know that different sites have different policies about the types of inventions those sites will allow. Also this is definitely a place where the adage "it takes money to make money," kicks in. If you're asking potential donors to support your cause, you'll need high quality, compelling video or photos, good copywriting to describe your invention, in addition to various donor incentives based on the level of their pledge. Crowdfunding can be highly effective and give you insight into what you hope to be the anticipated demand for the product.

Which raises the next point, what is the market demand for what you're looking to produce, and how much are people willing to pay for it? A crowdfunding campaign can give you a much better sense of consumer interest and a potential price point, but keep in mind that it represents only sliver of the population that has become interested in crowdfunding campaigns. If you end up manufacturing your product, where and how are you expecting it to be distributed? Is there a large enough demand to support long term production? Working with a market research company can give you additional insight into the long term potential.If you're looking to eventually make millions with your product, you should plan to spend millions on determining the product's safety, marketing and product development over the same time period. As your product moves through each level of production, scaling up from 100 to 10,000 to 100,000, and so on, you'll do additional product development to accommodate the scale of production. And out of that additional product development will come additional opportunities for patents.Once you have done this research and are satisfied that this product is in demand in the market, and the price minus production costs will yield a healthy profit for you, you are ready to file a nonprovisional patent application. After the application has been reviewed by a patent examiner at the US Patent Office you will have an issued patent.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Manage Overhead for Complete Cost Control

It can be daunting to manage overhead in a competitive business environment. Often, it is a nagging worry that greets you at work and follows you home. Most of your time is probably spent on important items like the products and services you offer. Of course you are going to focus on the "bread and butter" that creates your revenue stream. If you didn't, it would be difficult (if not impossible) to stay profitable. Overhead and more specifically, supply costs, impact your bottom line as well and that is where we come in.I know what it is like to spend close to 10 hours a day trying to make sure that your business runs smoothly and efficiently. I also know that just because production or sales are up, your profit margin may not be moving. Often, those increases in revenue are associated with some type of increase in cost. That big number can be shocking!When you are overseeing your company and trying your hardest to make more money and put out all of the fires you are not able to oversee every little aspect of your costs of doing business. Wouldn't it be great if you could make your employees more accountable and lower the big, scary number up to 50%? Hiring another supervisor isn't the answer. Your management does not need to add "Professional Babysitter" to their resume. Your solution: Automated Supply Distribution Vending.

Have you paid attention to how your snack and soda vendors do business? They set up their machines, stock them with products they know you want and go on about their business. The machines do their job and the vendor doesn't have to worry because the machine does all of the work for them!You can now do the same thing with your employee's supplies. It works with PPE (safety), MRO (tools) and IT peripherals. Use your imagination and you can probably come up with some other uses as well. The machine doesn't have buddies that get extra supplies and the whole system trains your employees to be more accountable.Employees access the vending supply machine with a PIN number or an ID card to get the equipment they need to do their jobs safely and efficiently. They are recognized by name at the machine, so it reinforces that they are accountable for what they are using. Reports are accessible 24/7 and can be scheduled to be delivered to you. The reporting software is set up prior to your machine being installed and gives you access to very detailed information on who is using what and when.Doesn't this sound like a better option than out of control supply costs and babysitting employees? Get more info.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Increasing Your Business Bandwidth

It is often difficult to take your business to the next level. I meet many young entrepreneurs that are capable of taking their business to a certain state and then struggle to move it much further. This is a very normal phenomenon and it has to do with more than just business experience or capital expenditures. To bring perspective to this article let's look at the capacity to develop a business much like a bringing information to your computer. The faster the delivery method the quicker decisions can be made to transform your business. In the same way as the fibre optics increase the band width of information flow, people also learn a capacity to translate information and turn it into actions. This is referred to as 'performance bandwidth'. Like many things in this world we as people have a certain capacity for success and failure. We will only risk so much and achieve so much success. We have different perspectives on acceptable levels of failure and interpret failure in different ways. This interpretation leads us to the choices we make every day. It is a repeating pattern of conducting ourselves in our day-to-day lives. So are we trapped in this self-limiting behaviour?Let's first look at a description for the performance bandwidth. Performance bandwidth is both the height of accomplishment one can achieve and the lowest level of personal failure one can endure. A good example of this is Donald Trump. He has achieved success and lost everything more times than most of us can remember. Or Tiger Woods, who at the pinnacle of his career and life threw it all away on indulgence. Now in both of these cases Trump and Woods seem to come back to a state of success. Why is this? Performance bandwidth. In the same way that one will lose everything and make it back again, one will only achieve a certain level of success and either give it away, or lose it due to some circumstance that they should have known would turn out poorly. In the same way each of us has a performance bandwidth that keeps us in a certain zone of performance. Throughout our lives we will incrementally move a bit forward or backward but we usually stay within a 10% range of performance year on year. If you look at your savings, income or long-term investments you may notice these trends.

So is this performance bandwidth fixed or can you break free of the cycle? I am happy to say that through focused repetition and learning it is possible to make transformational changes in your performance abilities. In truth, this was how you adopted your current performance bandwidth. We each have spent our lives reinforcing a set pattern of performance as we learned what worked and what we perceived as "not working". This is usually how we define failure. I work with others to unlock the hidden potential inside their business and themselves to surpass the typical level of performance. So when your time comes and you are up against a wall that seems impossible to get over, remember I can help you overcome that obstacle and give you the skills to tackle many more. Achievement is not a one-time experience; it is a mind-set and a reoccurring pattern. Learn it, refine it and become it.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How To Secure An Ideal Serviced Office For Your Business

The norm for many businesses these days are serviced offices. For startup companies, they find these office solutions very practical. Those operating in a virtual environment also opt for serviced office for better productivity. Other organizations have this type of office as a smart backup plan to ensure continuity of business operation in case of emergencies. Themed offices became the best option for enterprises that need to downsize and cut expenses.But what are the things you need to consider to secure the ideal serviced office for your business? Is it enough to look for offers with affordable rates? Where is the best location to get as many clients as you can? Below are the essential things you need to check before finally deciding that this particular office will represent my business.Address - Address is an important element if you want to stay competitive in the market. Your chosen location has a great impact in building your reputation to future clients. A good business address makes a good impression to customers. Investors and potential clients would like to transact with trusted businesses. Having your office located along with known businesses in the area builds your credibility in a way.Workspace - The interior design of every serviced office is distinct. Office space providers cater to different clients so they have different designs available. Your options may vary from corporate business look to colorful creative layouts. Determine what type of work environment would be suitable for your business. Usually providers will suggest vibrant and inspiring spaces if your want clients to be more receptive of the ideas you will present them. Unconventional designs are said to boost productivity and creativity too.

Contract - With traditional office leasing, you are required to sign a contract keeping the office in a year or two. The good thing about serviced office is that you can ask about the flexibility of the contracts they offer. Ask the provider if they can accommodate you in a short period of time. This is a good chance to test the service.Relaxation - Most serviced office have outdoor spaces for relaxation. People working in the building are free to use amenities. It would be nice to step out of the office and sit on relaxation lounges while having casual conversations with colleagues. Some buildings have indoor and outdoor gardens where you can breathe fresh air.Support - Service offices include back office support. This is a great advantage to solo entrepreneurs as well as startup enterprises because they can get all the professional help that they need. Rent serviced offices to demonstrate professionalism in your business.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Product Development Machine and the First Time Inventor

New Product Development, or NPD is a process. Patents are always part of it. Product design is too. Manufacturing is a flawless part of it and distribution and sales is the deciding success factor. If someone with nothing better to do walked into a large home center, and then a gigantic department store, then one each of all the specialty stores, a drug store as well and even a food market, and then compiled a count of how many products could be identified as manufactured products, the number would be large. One hundred thousand or a million; it doesn't matter. It would be very large.A large percentage of the products, say 99.9% of them, from dental floss in a unique container for $.99 or a new automobile for $45,000, have a lot in common. They all come from product producing industries; industries that employ engineering departments, manufacturing facilities, marketing experts and sales and distribution departments to keep the products moving and to add new products to the mix as well. The companies keep growing and producing and that is good for all of us. The heart of the business world is NPD, or new product development.What about the other one tenth of one percent? Who does that tiny number represent? Those are energetic innovators trying to get a piece of the action so to speak. They might have a patent for a new product idea they believed in. They may also have a manufacturing process of sorts that which comprises of them and piece part bins. They themselves may be the sales force that sells the product at trade shows and on the Internet. Chances are all of them have spent hundreds of hours glued to a work bench laboring over methods to turn their sketches into working bread-boards and engineering prototypes. They've made their ideas real and who knows the magnitude of the rewards that will follow. Maybe one of the large established companies will license or buy the rights to the products, or maybe with more money and much more time, many of the innovators involved will become successful new company owners. I for one certainly hope so.

So! What is development? Development, as I see it, is what companies and individual innovators go through to turn an idea into a product specification ready for manufacturing and sale. The inventing precedes it by many months and maybe even years. Development isn't difficult for those trained in the associated skills. It's a process where everyone knows what the new product idea is and how it works. Development is selecting the right manufacturing process for each component, having them made and assembling them for packaging and sale. Once the idea is invented, conceptualized, prototyped, tested and documented, it is ready for design and development. Those are areas people with new ideas want to make sure their homework has been done before spending the big bucks on the stages following feasibility and successful testing.Once an idea is defined and tested to a point of accepted feasibility, all kinds of planning for cost-effective development can take place. Patents can be initiated and manufacturing processes can be selected. The design of the product rapidly follows. It's only a matter of knowing what you have, how it works and most important, who is going to buy it, in order to put a business plan in place. That's the rational used for 99.9% of the products on the market today and should be for the hard-working innovators that represent the remaining.1% of the market as well.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Very Serious Business Of Fun

How much fun do you have in your business? How much fun are you having creating your business?For too many of us fun and business are mutually exclusive. Business is serious, and fun is what we do when we're not working. Or at least that's the way it seems for many of us.I don't believe it has to be this way.What if fun is actually a serious business? What if fun could be part of our every day lives?What change could that create on the planet I wonder?And what could that create for your business?But business is serious, I hear you say. I have to make money. It can't all be fun.Really? I guess it depends on your definition of fun.For me, I know that when I got really serious about business, I left me out of the equation. I did what I thought that people in business should do to be successful. The only thing I was successful at in that instance was blowing that business up - as I was being totally inauthentic to who I was and I was having no fun at all.Now I know that the more true to myself I am and the more I create from a space of fun, the more energised I become about what I am doing and creating and the more possibilities and adventures show up.So what is fun for you?For some people it is talking to people, or creating deals or fixing things or building things. The list is truly endless.If you don't know, then get curious and find out.What if fun is just a choice?

What if, when you are having fun you are being you at your best? Some people would call that being in the flow.When we are having fun we are open, receptive, creative, productive and energised... and we wouldn't choose to be that at work for what reason?Follow the energyI once knew someone who was so talented in so many ways. However, rather than follow the energy and enjoy and create from what was fun for him, he would say things like 'but how can this make me money? And so would talk himself out of it before he had even begun. He killed off the possibilities.If you are not having funIf you are in business where you are not engaged, inspired and motivated - then my simple question is why are you doing it?If you can choose to create anything, and you can - what would make you pick something that doesn't have you jumping out of bed each day eager to see what adventures unfold that day?Looking to create more funThen begin to play with some of these questions.If I was having fun what would I be doing different here?What would it take for this to be fun?What else is possible here?Who would I be here if I was having fun?What am I choosing to be here? How is that working for me?What would I like to choose now?Who else can I involve that would make this more fun for me?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Imperative for Innovation in Healthcare

Healthcare is one among the industries which is given a significant or a higher share in a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and it is one of the major challenges which any country faces, under-developed nations in particular. There is a huge burden due to non-communicable diseases and population ageing in the developed nations, especially the European countries, whereas there is a dual burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC). While the governments are spending more and more on Healthcare, there have been challenges in addressing gaps, and bringing improvement in terms of increasing the value, productivity and quality of healthcare, all of which can be described as the outcomes. In addition to this, the developing countries and under-developed ones are struggling; even to provide affordable and accessible Healthcare for its people.There have been great advancements in medical technology since the start of the 20th century, and continuing in the present century. This is evident from the development of new technologies to detect diseases at an early stage, and even cure the diseases which were once thought to have no remedies. It has also been constantly emphasized and proven that innovations not only in technology, but also in the process and service delivery can improve the health indicators drastically and lead to achievement of targeted goals like the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This is especially true in the case of developing countries like India. There has been an overhaul of the health care delivery system in the grassroots level after the introduction of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). This and other programs and innovative schemes in healthcare delivery and service, have helped India to make a huge leap in improving some of the health indicators like Infant Mortality Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate. The Conditional Cash Transfer schemes and Community Based Health Insurance schemes have been a major success in India. This helps to increase the demand generation for Public Health care, thereby improving the quality further, and helping the vulnerable sections of the society to avoid catastrophic health care expenditures when they seek expensive private healthcare

The average life expectancy at birth in the OECD nations which are economically stronger has reached 80, which is a remarkable increase in five decades. Even though the spending on health care ( in proportion to the GDP) is directly related to the improved health outcomes, other social determinants like education, environment, improved living conditions and lifestyle, also are major factors in determining the health status of a population. In spite of greater life expectancy achieved, there are huge gaps in meeting greater efficiency level and quality of health service. There are elusive disease burdens like Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's and other neurological disorders, and cancers which need a convincing remedy, which can be achieved only through innovation. The diseases which have been quoted above can be called as diseases of affluence which have been discovered due to human longevity.Hence it is to be realized that, due to the greater challenges of the present state of healthcare, innovation plays a major role in achieving high standards of healthcare and to solve the problems which do not have answers currently. Innovation is the only answer which can improve the quality and efficiency, thereby raising the productivity of activities involved in health care. It is to be realized that countries which spend a higher proportion of their GDP (14% in U.S) or countries which spend a comparatively lower proportion of their GDP (4% In India), both need to have innovation as their indispensable tool in order to progress and achieve the best in healthcare, in case of U.S, and meet the MDG, in case of India.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Economic Impacts of 3D Printing

In the recent past, a number of companies have adopted the 3D printing technology; a clear indication that this technology is likely to transform the manufacturing industry. Generally, this technology sounds futuristic. It is not a very complex process; the printer puts down layers of some substantial material until the layers build up to form an object. The object to be printed can be designed using a CAD (computer-aided design) software. Alternatively, the design can be obtained by scanning the existing object using a 3D scanning machine.The technological advancements have really reduced the cost of goods and services. This implies that there are higher chances that the cost of some products which will be manufactured through 3D printing technology will reduce significantly. Basically, as technology expands; there are higher chances that both goods and services are likely to be manufactured at or close to their point of purchase or consumption. Moreover, the number of goods which will be produced locally will increase. Apart from the price, its adoption will imply that other process such as supply chain management will be eliminated.Product customization; every consumer would wish to be identified with a specific good. With the advancement in 3D printing, there will be more customized goods. Manipulating the existing goods will be easier and cheaper. This is because the alteration process will not require retooling.All businesses along the retailing, manufacturing and supplying chain will have to come up with new strategies to have a fair share of the market. Take for instance the current situation where a good number of electronic products are being assembled or manufactured in China. Even the most reputable brands in the market such as Apple Inc. has shifted to China to source for cheap labor. Such countries will lose much of their force. This will consequently affect their economy since a good number of people will become jobless. This is for the reason that China will cease to be the manufacturing powerhouse. This transition may take place a little faster since other reputable companies such as HP have also shown interest in the 3D printing. Basically, as much as people should embrace technology, it also comes with its limitations which should be analyzed critically.

Of course using China in this article does not mean it will be the only country will be affected by the advancement in 3D printing. However, it is worth noting this nation has become a manufacturing powerhouse. This country has created unprecedented efficiencies of scale and reduced the key cost of production; labor. This has been possible through the intervention of the Chinese government, which has been pro-produced in the recent past.But, will China become the biggest loser suppose most companies in the United States of America and the Western country embrace the 3D manufacturing technology? Of course the Chinese government is one of those governments which has been very keen in protecting their local industry. Moreover, using 3D printers in manufacturing firms will not take place drastically. It is important to note that China will not be a big loser here. China is one of those countries which has a huge domestic market, which will still drive its economy. But as a matter of fact, it will cease from being a mass manufacturing powerhouse.Technology is very dynamic and it is still early to draw a conclusion on how much it will affect various economies.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Innovations Are Coming Faster - But Can We Predict Disruptive Technology Time Tables

For good or not innovation and disruption will occur anytime human begin thinking, creating and cross-pollinating to solve problems - and that, at least to me is a given. We often read somewhere that the rate of change, and disruption is coming in at a faster pace than ever before, but are those claims true? I'd like to briefly discuss this with you if I might.You see, there was an interesting article in Wired Magazine - November of 2013 titled; "Is Innovation Predictable?" by Abhijan Rej which stated;"There are four major arguments that are made by Arthur in TNT that are directly relevant in answering our Gorilla-in-the-Room question: (1) Technologies have a recursive structure, (2) there is a generative grammar for each technology, (3) technologies group together as domains, and finally, (4) there are ecological mechanisms for selection of one technology over the other and a given technology might be mode-locked into a path of further and further demand and eventually arise as the 'victor' in the ecology of technologies."Okay, that is one way to see it, but there are many more bits of wisdom to this, from Kurzweil's tracking of Moore's Law in the technology sectors - to a theory of mine I'd like to share with you.You see, for the last 3.5 decades I've subscribed to as many Trade Journals in as many industries as I could get my hands on. At one time I can remember subscribing to something like 76 magazines. As the Internet got popular fewer were published, but I certainly learned a lot. It seemed like every industry had at least 2 to 3 major disrupting innovations per decade, often bunched together, usually the product of a non-industry entrant and a new company not entrenched in the industry association.

Now then, I do believe that innovation is predictable and you can usually tell about when it will happen, and mind you, I am basing my finding by observations in tracking so many industries and being involved in them as a service company to industry. In the end there is one thing that is true, innovation is best predictable by those engaged in some part of the innovative supply chain - from Science Fiction thinker to engineer, and from inventor to entrepreneur - to industry R&D departments of sector main-stay multi-national conglomerate incumbents and government lobbyist greasing the skids for the next new thing to plow into our lives - like it or not. Okay so, I'd like you to consider all this and think on it from a philosophical perspective.Take a gander at the article I cited above and let me know what you think. You can reach me by email.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Want To Be A Good Innovator - Keep Your Hands In the Cookie Jar!

There seem to be a number of phrases and words we see and hear every day such as; sustainability, and innovation. We use these words so much they've almost become clichรฉ and reduced to rubble, no value to anyone. Interestingly enough, I do know a thing or two about innovation, as I've been innovating all of my life, mostly in business, but also now in retirement running a think tank. Let's talk shall we?Not long ago, an acquaintance mentioned to me that every time I say I am "retired" she laughs and tells me that I "will always have my hands in something," unable to turn my mind off or stop getting involved. True, enough, yes, I will most likely always have my hands in something - hopefully not the cookie jar. You see, my mom used to tell me I couldn't keep them out of the cookie jar and had a picture of me climbing on top of the refrigerator as a 2.5 year old collecting cookies after she tried to put it out of reach!Well, isn't that a lot like real innovating, as it is very much a matter of problem solving. Cookies way up high and I desire to devour cookies, you know like the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street. Now then, they say that when you have kids, paybacks are a beach. Perhaps it is things like that which I always had in the back of head reasoning why I didn't believe I should have kids. My genes are too much for our society, they are not ready for us yet! Into everything, can't leave well enough alone. And yet, although it is a good thing that not everyone is like me, we do need innovative thinking from our creative class, we need those creative geniuses amongst us to carry on.

If so, we should ask ourselves why our education system is so geared towards turning out masses of docile timid humans now, so many people on said planet, so hard to maintain control. Yes, we need those who do the work, but we also need thinkers. What I wonder often enough is why do we pretend and tell everyone to be innovators when in reality we don't want that and even select for the opposite?That is to say that now-days we are afraid of the high-energy anomalistic self-actualized individual, there seems to be a war on 'personalities' and individual thought. It's amazing, and it's even worse online, everyone wants to force everyone else into conformity, a lot of social control, on top of all our laws, rules, regulations, media, religions, politics, corporations, brainwashing education, etc.Well, this is why I am retired, not because I can't compete as surely I am a competitor, and not because I cannot innovate, because I've already proven I can out innovate the best of them, rather because the world really doesn't like folks like me much, innovators, it rattles their cage, like Socrates for instance. But I say; who wants to be part of the Borg anyway? Therefore, I want all innovators out there to know; forget the buzz-words and over usage of the words we most commonly hear, don't follow the conventional wisdom or seclude yourself to a single niche, keep your hands in the cookie jar - and you can far surpass all the wannabes out there talking the big talk and using all the right words.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Unraveling Industrial Design

IntroductionIn the present business dynamics, design is pivotal in bridging a user's handling of a product/service, its functionality, and looks (as applicable). The ergonomics catapults its efficiency potential and in turn its success. With every evolution of creativity, technology, and applied sciences, product innovation frequently witnesses a new dawn. Industrial design is one such type gaining ground in nearly all industries. The scope extends to brand building & promotion as well. Let us know more about this field.ConceptIt is a creative amalgamation of applied science and art to create an optimal utility product, while also ensuring its aesthetics. The design engineers work upon a product's two- or three-dimensional features, such as its shape, configuration, pattern, ornamentation, while complementing the ease of use, its functionality, and marketability.Role of an industrial designerUsually a certified engineer, he/she is responsible for planning, designing, and creating products, the consumers will love to use and own. The product structure should communicate its purpose, enhance its user experience, and work efficiently. Industrial designers brainstorm ideas and draw up sketches that would cater to the clients' and the end customers' needs. Afterwards, some prototypes are created and tested. Based on the results, the designs either are reworked or are given a go-ahead. Some well-known products thriving, particularly due to talented brains include Apple's iPod and the Mini Cooper.SoftwareComputer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Industrial Design (CAID) programs are the heroes of the show.ApplicationsIndustrial design is vital for a wide spectrum of sectors, including but not limited to:

- Home appliances- Furniture- Electronics- Automobiles- Medical equipment- Sports gear & tools- Construction and architectureExamplesThe following are some unprecedented creativity to meet the end customers' needs:- Piaggio Vespa Scooter: Italian aeronautical engineer Corradino D'Ascanio drew heavy inspiration from the pre-World War II scooters and the Italian creativity to design the classic Vespa. The central spar was removed offering a sleek look and allowing the rider to step through the bike.- Cipher Drinking Glass: This glass may look like a mosaic when empty, but as soon as any drink is poured in, the squares come together to spell the name of the drink. The brainchild of Serbian designer Damjan Stankovic, this unique and quirky product stunningly integrates creativity and utility even for everyday living.- Plumen 001 light bulb: Who would have thought that the humble electric bulb would get a stylish makeover? This award-winning innovation by British Samuel Wilkinson has magnified and intertwined glass tubes, instead of the glass casing. Moreover, it consumes 80% less energy than any incandescent bulb, which makes it truly smart in structure.The future prospectsUndoubtedly, the industrial design will continue to gain significance in product development and giving facelift to the existing ones. The mental soars give hope of products that are more ingenious, collaborating functionality & creativity with aesthetic. Science and art have coupled well for good!

Friday, November 14, 2014

5 Ways to Boost Innovation by Understanding Neuroscience

Innovation is a prized asset in any organisation, but the challenge of how to develop a culture of creativity is an old and complex one.With extra attention on neuroscience since brain imaging technology became more widely available, we are learning more about how the brain works. How can that information be combined with what we already know about innovation and how can it be applied on the ground in organisations?Our brains need encouragement to createSome argue, based on the neuroscience, that we are not naturally innovators and our ability to create depends on the stimulation provided.The old adage that "necessity is the mother of invention" holds true in the sense that, whenever humans have needed to innovate, we seem to come up with something. This can be applied to many of the basics of human existence such as the need to find water, cook food, and to defend ourselves. That's perhaps why we have grown to dominate the planet.In most organisations our challenge to innovate is not usually life-threatening! We have to encourage our brains to be creative by providing the right stimuli - but not overdoing it and, in the process, generating excessive stress.In fact, we are generally most comfortable when we are NOT creating - we like things just as they are. The fact that we are still alive and kicking means we have been doing something right! Stepping outside of this can create feelings of discomfort and stress for many people.Finding the BalanceWe essentially need to find the right balance. Resistance to change, which can create negative responses, needs to be balanced with the positive feelings of discovery and achievement, generated largely by the neurotransmitter dopamine in the reward centres of our brain.If we try to force the situation, we are in danger of creating excessive stress and threat, which causes a retreat to habitual behavior. In this mindset, innovation is almost impossible.However, creating an environment of absolute comfort is also not conducive to creativity.How do we find the "sweet spot" where our people are challenged to innovate but not threatened? Where the will to achieve something is more powerful than the resistance to change? Where we are at ease with the making the new connections in our brain that lead to new ideas?

How to Boost Innovation1. Practice diversityDiversity of people, experiences, and activities in the workplace will help create the sparks and moments of insight. By doing this people make new connections that lead to fresh, new ideas, while a culture of uniformity will stunt the process. In many cases the new ideas will hit dead ends, but it's the one nugget of an idea in the one hundred generated that can change the course of an organisation; this can only happen if enough ideas are generated in the first place.2. Encourage stepping out of the comfort zoneIf people actively choose to step out of their comfort zones it will be more effective than forcing it upon them; the sense of threat will be minimised. Exposing oneself to new situations, environment, people, and activities helps the process of innovation. Rather than going through the same routines day by day, mix it up a little, and don't worry if the new activity or environment seems a little pointless at first - the connections will come. You'll be surprised about the effect on the brain.3. Encourage a healthy lifestyleLook after your physical health and your brain health will follow. Getting enough sleep and exercise, and eating a good diet, will help reduce stress, keep you healthy, and help activate the areas of the brain that spark innovation.4. Play with ideasLearn to play with ideas a little. We are taught that work is separate from play, but if you treat ideas as something that can be tossed around without anybody getting hurt, then who knows where they may land?5. Help people feel safeAn environment of fear and threat will stunt creativity. People must feel that they have a say and are allowed to voice their opinion, or you will find calls for creativity falling on deaf ears. Make them feel safe - bit not too safe!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Solving the Innovation Dilemma

Most people and most organizations want to be innovative.After all, those who are first to market with a new product typically get the best returns, and those who develop new and more innovative processes can typically provide much better quality at much lower costs.Similarly, those who create a management system that promotes an innovative culture can more easily achieve and maintain a competitive edge.But consider how infrequently innovations such as those listed above happen...Clearly innovation is challenging for all organizations, large and small; and the challenges are not always easy to identify.For example, it might seem logical to surmise that a common barrier to innovation is lack of time or poor time management, and lots of organizations cite the lack of time and attention to innovation as a major barrier."People are too busy to think about innovation," they say. "If my boss's boss is too busy to think about new and better ways of doing something, I better be too."Of course this is a good recipe for keeping things exactly the way they are while the world passes by... and frequently results in an organizational belief that there "is no time," so no one bothers to identify potential solutions or ways to become more innovative.But dedicating resources to innovation does not seem to work that well either. It may foster a creative environment, but this does not necessarily translate into more workable innovations.One organization created an innovative think tank with 12-14 people led by a senior executive. After two years they were disbanded because while they came up with some innovative ideas, none of them were financially viable; and in other similar instances, many of the best ideas were ruled out only to be brought to fruition by other companies!So it would appear that time alone is not the culprit; and organizations may give innovation too little time, or too much.So, you might ask, what can an organization do to improve innovation levels?One of the first requirements is strong and empowering leadership, which must provide three important things:The amnesty that people often need in order to take the risk of putting ideas and observations on the table
Awareness of the threats from the changing environment and the opportunities that may arise
Awareness of likely or potential marketplace constraintsFor example, when Xerox PARC created the mouse, it was, quite simply, amazing... , despite the fact that it cost $300 to build and only worked for a few weeks. But, since they had a generous budget these factors were acceptable.Yet to make the mouse truly innovative required something quite different: constraints. Steve Jobs had the vision to add the constraints: the mouse must be buildable for under $15 and operate reliably for two years.

Perhaps the in-house innovation team (above) that was disbanded because none of their ideas were financially viable simply did not realize that the ideas were not yet complete... that marketplace or other types of constraints were in play.For successful innovation, you need people to seek out the real-world constraints that must be respected in order to actualize the idea. Until the idea can work within the constraints - like Apple's mouse- it is still in the germination stage, not yet a true innovation.Another catalyst to innovation is fear of loss... as one company observed, "When our very survival was at risk, we began to implement a program of Continuous Improvement that called on everyone to contribute innovative implementable ideas!"Because they had nothing to lose... because they had to develop new and better ways of operating in order to survive, they did!Similarly, a start-up company with few resources must innovate or quickly wither away.Applying the same concept to an organization that is not experiencing dire circumstances, it is most often true that, in order to develop a truly innovative culture it must be less scary for people to try something new and risk failure than it is to stay with the status quo. To create this condition, leaders must provide amnesty to reduce the risk of sharing new ideas.Of course it also helps if the status quo looks pretty untenable. Never waste a crisis, and if you don't think you have one, look further around you.Change is inevitable; a threat is always on its way!Process innovation also requires getting close to the customers or people doing the work.To be able to create or develop more innovative work processes, you must go to the work. 'Go to Gemba' (or the work place) is Toyota's mantra. You must go and watch the work flow in order to understand the processes and the problems that workers grapple with. You must see for yourself in order to envision a better product or process.Along the same lines, simply asking customers what they "think they need" or what they want is simply not going to be enough. They cannot innovate for you - you must go and watch them use your product to really understand the market.Finally, when striving to increase an organization's innovation level, it is also important to recognize that outsiders often come up with the best innovations, because they have no ties to the status quo.As many have said, it is easiest to think outside the box when you are from outside the box.But outsiders often have a difficult time effecting real change because they are outsiders. A senior manager of a once innovative company wryly observed, "We say we like to bring in outsiders with fresh ideas, but when they share them we explain that's not the way we do it here."Thus the innovation dilemma continues...

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Prices of Access Flooring: Affordable Server Room Solutions

By now you have most likely heard about access floors and how valuable they are. Do you however know what the prices of access flooring and affordable server room solutions are? Well, stick around and you will get an idea. While costs obviously vary from place to place, the prices of certain products like access floors are fairly standard. They also go according to the type of floor system that you get put in. the prices are calculated by square meter usually, and over and above the material costs, you also pay an installation fee per meter squared.This sounds like a very expensive exercise, and while it can be, there is no replacement for the human lives that you will save when you install these floor types. The reason for this of course is the fact that you will be saving people the risk of injury due to excessive amounts of cabling lying around, especially in a big office. These floors were invented so that offices could leave all of their machinery around and not have to worry about people tripping over the cables and whatever else may be on the floor.These floors are also used in server rooms for this reason. The floors can of course be lifted up so that maintenance can be done on any set of cables. This makes it both convenient and safe for your employees to be in the office.

The figuresHere is a breakdown of what some access floor systems will cost you. The numbers are done in US dollars, and can therefore be converted into the currency of your choice. The calculations are done for a 60 square meter office. The installation fee is about $7.50 per meter squared.· General. These are the standard floors that have no special features at all. For the space described above, the fee will be about $7000 in total for your office.· Wooden. These floors are made up of wooden panelling that makes up the floor. The total cost of these for the abovementioned office space is $11893.· Steel. These floors have got lightweight steel panelling as their primary finish and cost $13293 to install.These are the figures for the basic models of access floor to be installed. Of course the product will vary depending on what type of bolt and stringer system is holding up the rest of the floor. Although these prices may seem very expensive, you have to remember that it is better to have a neat and safe work environment than to create a problematic environment for your employees. You will spend far less on the floor systems than you would on workers compensation if you chose to leave your cables lying out and about.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Genius Is 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration - What Organizations Need to Remember

'Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" - EdisonIt has often been said that there is no substitute for hard work. Or said another way... the harder I work the luckier I get. At the same time in today's generation of instant consumption (of information, resources, even social media) it appears that a basic truth of society has been lost or forgotten. Recall our school science classes. Trial, error, documentation, hypothesis, more trials, and clearer hypothesis' led to some of the greatest discoveries of our day.Has the pace of this examination and exploration expanded and accelerated? Yes it most certainly has. Does this mean that the same basic steps, rooted in logic, are not being taken? Not at all.Transfer this approach and evolving societal norm into the world of business - and especially into the sales realm - and is it any wonder that new sales people expect results for (what the 'old guard' might describe as) minimal efforts?Somewhere along the line we, as leaders have failed to impart the bare necessity of planning, examination, data collection and execution in the sales process. Whether it is the pressures forced on us by our leaders (and the continual need to 'feed the beast' with month over month and quarter over quarter results) or our own inability to step back from the tactical deal by deal discussions and look strategically at our customers and our strategies to swerve the market - whatever the reason we need to acknowledge that we need to put in the same level of effort that we expect from our Teams. Yes there is a concept of Leading from the back - however many of our team members need to see us leading from the front in a way that they can model before we take the strategist role.

Like Pareto's Law, the 80% of results are coming from 20% of our efforts. To truly break through to 'inspiration' we need to expend the 99% effort to get there. We need to be comfortable with the risks and learning from the mistakes we make (and we *will* make mistakes if we are doing this properly) so that we can draw closer to the 1% inspiration.Furthermore, our organizations need to be comfortable with the concept of calculated risk - allowing Teams the time and space to explore potential without the continual 'hope and prayer' approach where the expectation is that every 'trial' will yield spectacular results. Worse yet, many organizations punish the innovators by attributing a failed trail/experiment as a personal failure. We only need to look at Pavlov's dogs to see what the eventual result of behavior that drives. Simply put - allow for controlled experiments or face the very real reality that your Team may become nothing more than a pack of drooling dogs - jumping at the 'bell' but not being innovative at all.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Nobody Told Me It Would Be Like This: Managing Change to Achieve More

What has driven me through confusion, doubt and even triumphs is the desire in me to explore every aspect of Rosalind. Each of us is unexplored territory. Unfortunately, many of us depend on external sources to define us or we take cosmetic looks every now and then, and miss how wonderfully we are made and how each of us have a purpose that brings joy to self and others.Few wholeheartedly pursue knowing oneself. Let me tell you. It's like going on a life time treasure hunt. Keep digging you'll find more gold, more interests that bring more definition to the talents you've already discovered. I rediscovered recently my love for science, particularly epigenetics. So, I'm plunging myself into the subject, and am observing how it coalesces with my interest in leadership development, relationship studies, healing and writing. What fun.When we are brave enough to go inward and mine our secret places, we come out with a greater appreciation for how God created us, and thus our confidence builds.However, what is rarely discussed is the process of change necessary to position ourselves to hone our passions and monetize them. Early on, I wish I could have had a traveling companion who was familiar with the terrain, pointing to the signposts of change along the journey to success! I would have braced myself better for the bumps and sharp turns!There are many recurring themes as you stretch into uncomfortable arenas but I'll name two---frustration and fear. Let's discuss them and I'll share tips on how to manage them.FrustrationUsually, it is deep frustration that propels us into exploring our passions. Perhaps, you lost your job, or you find you've outgrown the one you're presently in. Or perhaps your values shifted and freedom, living a life on purpose drives you. At this point, looking into running your own business becomes a possibility. And it brings excitement.But know the excitement will wane as realizations begin to hit you. If you are a business newbie, stretching into business seems at times overwhelming. Trying to market yourself to distinguish yourself from the crowd, attempting to manage the little money you have, and realizing the more you need business to pick up, the slower it goes.First, know that this is part of stretching and growing. Be gentle with yourself as you locate where you are and acknowledge the gap between your present position and where you'd like to go.Also, get help. Refuse to go it alone. Decide which step is the most important one make first. Do you need to write a business plan? Do you need to pick up a part time job to secure the family financially?

There are countless business support organizations that can educate you like the Small Business Administration. Many chambers have a business section too. The chamber can also get you business and connect you to other business people who can support you emotionally and practically.Need a part-time job? Put the word out among family and friends and watch you attract it. Stretching is uncomfortable, but necessary because we need to mature. But if we create strategies and tactics about how to handle frustrations then they become more bearable.FearThe basis of my fear in business has been the realization of my weaknesses along the journey. A decade ago, I trembled and stuttered when I made cold calls to sell my speaking services. Now, I feel no fear at all doing it. I also remembered grasping at business programs and mentors because I "just knew this would skyrocket me into success." Instead, I mindlessly spent money with little return on my investment. I am very careful on what I spend my money on now.Here is the good news. Try as we may to reach our goals, we cannot without the help from others. Are you someone who starts things but don't finish them? How many years have been stuck in this place, promising each year you'll be better. Willpower alone cannot get us to the goal. If you are unhappy with your current state, can I make a suggestion? Try a new behavior!This principle is a gold nugget. People are the answer to our lacks.There are those around you who are strong finishers, for example, who can model, support you and hold you accountable for finishing until this new habit becomes a part of you. What it requires is simple---someone you can speak to once or twice a week. You want someone who is judgmental but won't accept your excuses for not reaching your goals you stated you'd accomplish the week before. They are also your cheerleader, wanting your very best. With this type of support, it is as if you are being refueled from the outside which stimulates motivation and help you close the gaps in your character.Frustration and fear are the boogie men on the path of change. However, if we are prepared for them by using the aforementioned principles you can manage them, and reach the life you've designed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Are You Ready To File a Provisional Patent Application?

If you read the previous article in the series, "Are You Ready To Talk To a Patent Agent?", you know that before you can apply for a provisional patent, you need to do a comprehensive search of the U.S. Patent Office and other U.S. and/or international databases. You can have a patent agent or patent attorney do the search, or you can have a trusted confidant (who won't take your idea for their own), work with you to complete it.Prepare yourself, you are very likely to find a similar product, and that is a good thing.It's a good thing because it means that someone else has also recognized that there is a problem which requires a solution. Ideally your solution, or some aspect of it, is either better than theirs, or distinctly different, that it is possible to submit a provisional patent application for it.At this point, you may think you know what the patentable element is, and are ready to file a provisional patent, but you're not there yet, and here's why.Your goal in patenting an invention is to make money by turning it into a real product. It won't do you any good to file a provisional patent for something that isn't in a viable commercial market. If you're considering filing a provisional patent, it means that you're ready to talk to some manufacturers, begin to raise additional capital, and essentially start telling strangers about your idea.

First, you need to be able to describe this idea in enough detail so that someone else can make one, based solely on your description.Second, you need to consider what the demand for the product is in the market. Without tipping your hand to what your invention is to the general public, have you determined that there is a sizable enough demand that will purchase enough of these items to sustain a business? Before you invest additional funds to find this out and continue down the patent process, it's in your best interest to do some serious research about this.Third, you need to consider any and all safety issues with your invention. Depending on the type of invention you have, it's likely that when it is under the protection of a provisional patent, you will need to hire a Safety Engineer before you investigate manufacturing options.Provisional patent applications allow you to say you are "patent pending', but they are not strong enough to fight against infringers who can start selling your idea. Subsequently filing a nonprovisional patent has the "teeth" to do that, and is necessary if you're thinking of licensing your invention to a major corporation. More about nonprovisional patents in the next article.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Shut Up and Grow Rich

"Silence is a source of Great Strength."Lao TzuIf you want to be truly successful then you're going to have to shut up! Seriously. Stop talking, turn off the smartphone, turn off the TV and sit in silence. And here's the coup de grais... do nothing. Regularly.Am I talking about meditation? Not exactly... stick with me on this. It's something both easier and much harder... yet extremely rewarding...You want to be wealthy, right?Yes, I mean financially wealthy but also wealthy in every area of your life. You want your life to produce profit that leads to contentment, excitement and happiness?In that case you need ideas. Yes, wealth (of all sorts) comes from good ideas - in the first instance.Top innovator and business guru Ron G. Holland says that running a successful business requires not just the ONE good idea but dozens if not hundreds of them.He has written 20 books, Millionaire Mindset the internationally famous Talk and Grow Rich and The Millionaire Secret to mention a few, which make use of his classic formula for riches:· Stillness· Silence· SolitudeHe says he discovered this by accident when he was trying to set up a chain of motorcycle shops but could not afford the stock to fill them.Whilst mooching around - doing nothing - he received the idea of bringing in all the motorcycles other people could not sell and taking a commission from the sale of each one. This made him very successful.He so swears by the practice of sitting in silence waiting for ideas from his subconscious that he does it every day for between 5 minutes and four hours. He visualises the result he wants with strong emotion... and then lets his mind generate the solutions for getting it. As a successful businessman he sits around... until ideas come.He's not the only one. I read about a company that pays one of its top executives to do nothing but think up new ideas. Yes, this process can be forced - just read A Whack On the Side of the Head or Serious Creativity. But why not let your mind do the work?Sam Adeyemi, author of Ideas Rule the World says:"Every human being is potentially wealthy and prosperous. The poor person is one who does not have ideas because ideas are the seeds that guarantee a future harvest. A mango seed is ultimately a mango forest."It's more than likely that you have accidentally experienced this yourself -Have you ever been mulling over (or fretting over) a thorny issue in your life and couldn't solve it?You threw up your hands (or aimed a kick at the dog) and went to do something else.You got out of your own way and (without realizing it) let your super-sized unconscious do the processing. When your brain is relaxing or doing something repetitive it's enjoying some downtime and can start processing the data it's been given earlier.For me it's walking but it could also be washing up, kicking a ball around, or mowing the lawn. It is a clichรฉ that people get their best ideas in the shower but it's true!And this is what you need to do.1) Visualise it solved, examine it from every angle you know how. Build up as much emotion to experience it with as you can.2) Sit in silence until you get answersI try and get at least ten minutes downtime every day. I pop on my industrial headphones (the type used by those guys with mechanical diggers!) and clear my mind. The effect is cumulative and at first, you may only manage a few seconds (Andy Shaw says 15 seconds is the goal) but keep on clearing your mind (don't cheat, start again if you see or hear something) and you'll be able to do it longer and longer.After just ten minutes I am refreshed and sometimes have received an amazing idea. The trick is not to force it. We have approximately 86 billion brain cells. Let them do the work!During this time I have already received new ideas for mobile phone accessories, ecological energy generation in shopping malls (!) and I'm working on a women's jewelry project after receiving some designs that seem unique.I've also received insights and advertising copy for a gold and silver trading I'm helping out with. All this seems reward enough for shutting up!Do you fear the silence?But..."Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing."William S. Burroughs

We are a society addicted to motion...Many people of the tech generation cannot bear to be without some sort of noise, some sort of distraction. I was on the platform waiting to catch a train the other day and glanced down it to see everyone had a smart phone in front of their face.My teenage son at one point started to physically shake if his phone vibrated while he was talking to me. If he could not look away he got anxious.But all this stimulation comes with a cost. It leaves us... quite frankly... overstimulated and unable to relax.I myself have experienced the other side of NOT getting downtime. I get nervous exhaustion, shout at my loved ones, and get depressed and fatalistic.So visualize passionately - and then do nothing.We've had personal development gurus drumming it into our heads that we must take action, action, action. But frantic action without a plan is just thrashing around."Take action by taking no action."Ancient Joshian proverbBefore all the beer-drinking couch dwellers start cheering about the above I should mention that you do NEED to take physical action, write, make calls, study etc.I also realize that not everyone can see the pictures in their mind's eye.Win Wenger, pioneer and innovator of some truly amazing creativity techniques said that the subconscious mind is ALWAYS showing you answers to questions you are posing - you just are not aware or used to seeing them.For those of you who 'don't see pictures I recommend you learn Image Streaming, a descriptive technique for generating ideas and becoming more aware of your answers.You can find a free e-book on it here. I have personally taught this technique and had someone who just felt their answers 'break-through' to seeing images within a few minutes.The advantages of clearing the communication channels means you can tap into your intuition more easily and the more trust you build with your unconscious, the faster you can get answers.The other night I was looking for ideas for an e-book cover. I looked at several covers by famous personal development authors, spent a few minutes thinking about them and went to bed.The next day, I was out walking and BAM - cover ideas popped into my head, titles flashed up and I recorded them on my smartphone. Later that day I mocked up some covers, sent them to the author and he really liked them. I KNEW my mind would give me the answers I needed."In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves."RumiUsing silence properly leads to mental control... which leads to... everything?If you read books about Quantum Physics many of them state quite bluntly that you actually create the reality you see around you. Personally, I think this is not true* but I certainly agree that if we play-assume that we are responsible for creating our personal experience of reality then we'll play more careful attention to how we think and act.In The Complete Guide to Genius it says that 'control of the mind leads to control of everything... If you want to create a certain physical outcome, the way to do this is using your MIND and CONTROLLING the mind.Whether or not that is true, the purposeful silencing of the mind does lead to increased mental control. Andy Shaw, creator of the Bug Free Mind series calls it No-Mind and the Genius guide says:"When you control the mind you enter the Silence. This is the state of nothingness and is a form of consciousness within you. All the great geniuses of all time were able to keep their mind SILENT at all times. When you enter the silence, you are in the superposition state to manifest any outcome you want. When not in the silence, you are stuck in the physical plane of reality and are just a human cog in a great physical machine. Controlling the mind to enter SILENCE is about NOT HAVING ANY THOUGHTS. It is the CONTROLLED ABSENCE of thinking which allows you to enter the Silence and nothing else. If you thought you could "think" your way to genius, you are wrong. You must stop your thinking consciously and enter the silent state of mind for success to happen."So, there it is. In fact, silence literally is golden in that during silence you can get ideas worth solid gold! So visualize your goals, get excited about them - and then SHUT UP!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Importance of Market Research for Startups

I know from the title you might be thinking this is a common sense topic that you already know a ton about, but time and time again people throw all their chips in on their startup without checking if there's even a market for their product. They get a good idea, their friends agree it's a good idea, and before you know it they've quit their job and gone in debt up to their eyeballs trying to get their little idea off the ground only to discover it wasn't that original to begin with.There's nothing new under the sun! If there's one thing you take away from this post, please let it be that! I don't care how innovative you think your idea is, there is a 99.9% likelihood that someone has thought of it before and tried to do something about it. The iPhone wasn't the first smartphone and Facebook wasn't the first social media site to ever exist.The aforementioned examples weren't successful because they were the first. They were successful because they popularized their respective concepts. They made it shiny and attractive to the masses, and that's what your goal behind market research should be.Market research should be conducted before you start your business! I don't care what anyone else says, you need to have some sort of a business plan before you actually start your own business. Don't be ashamed of working at McDonald's while you pursue your business idea. It may slow you down, but it's always smarter to have another job lined up before you quit the one you have.

How to Conduct Market ResearchResearching your idea's marketability isn't just using Google to see if your specific idea exists already or posting your idea to a forum and seeing how many people flock to it. You can't just spend half a day researching the topic and expect to truly understand how well your idea will sell.You have to research anything that's even remotely similar to your idea and use your findings to realistically extrapolate the demand your product can expect to receive once it's on the open market. While doing this, you need to delve deep into the reasons similar ideas succeeded or failed and critically look at your product in the same light.Don't be afraid or too cheap to hire some outside help. There are a ton of market research companies out there that are professionals at what they do. They'll be able to look at your idea in a more objective and critical light than anyone else will.All in all, if you really have faith in your idea then you shouldn't be afraid to put the time and money into making sure you do things right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Evolution Of The Cloud

Computers and computing have changed dramatically over the years due to the innovation of new technology. This article looks at the path taken to achieve The Cloud.Some think that in some form the concept of The Could has been around since the development of the ARPNET, which was in itself a network enabling one computer to talk to another one. Others believe it was really down to an American, John McCarthy who thought that there should be a national computer network, just like the gas and electricity companies, and that was as far back as 1961. In reality, The Cloud network builds on the ideas of both these ideas, and it is only possible now due to the evolution of technology.Jumping forward to the 1980s and Grid Computing. This came about as several servers were used to boost processing power. This system broke down huge tasks and it delegated sections of the said task to each of its component servers and they worked simultaneously to produce the result. The result from the many servers could be seen through one terminal, but the terminal needed to have the same operating system as the terminal.In the 1990s and the Grid concept was developed further through the advent of dial-up internet and tasks such as storage, networks and applications could be isolated and used independently. This eventually meant that devices and the interfaces no longer needed to be the same to utilise the information on the Grid, leading to The Cloud as we know it today.

The Grid supported the concept of software as a service. With this advancement even the applications were stored at a virtual level. This is achieved with massive warehouses full of servers known as data centres and when combined they have a massive processing power. Each data centre is owned by a company, the bigger the company the more data centres they have, and when combined they have a massive processing power.This processing power is not only used to manage the digital devices we have in our homes and offices, but also search engines like Google. The Cloud is still evolving as we speak there are 4 main types of Cloud, private, community, public and hybrid, with more subsets being created fairly regularly.It is the ability of the data centres administrators to set up and manage the applications as an internet service that has made it possible for even small business to benefit from this technology.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Are All LED Bulbs Created Equal?

A lot of people ask me "are all LED bulbs the same?" Well, the answer is no. While LED lighting has come a long way, it was only about two years ago when power companies all over the country and entities such as NYSERDA (New York State energy research and development) would not give rebates on LED lamps. The reason being is how long they might last. When a slew of LED bulbs started emerging out of China, some were tested and found to have little life expectancy. So in essence it was like the wild, wild west. You really did not know what you were going to get when you purchased one and no one was going to guarantee them or give a rebate on the product.The good news is that Light Emitting Diode (LED) products have improved but not all. When purchasing lamps for business or even your home, you should find out if a lamp has been approved by the DLC (Design Lights Consortium) they promote quality, performance and energy efficient commercial lighting solutions through federal, state, utilities, lighting designers and manufacturers throughout the USA and Canada. An energy efficient LED lamp or bulb that has been tested and approved by the DLC does a few things. They are guaranteed to last and they will also qualify for rebates.

Now if you go to Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Target etc. many of the LED bulbs offered for sale DO NOT carry DLC approval. If you look on the box, in small print, you may read something like- will last 6 years if used one hour a day. Most people use light more than one hour a day! DLC approved bulbs can qualify for rebates on average of $5- $15 per lamp or more depending on the entity for which the rebate is applied to. So, in general look for DLC approved bulbs or check the DLC website. A 15,000 hour LED lamp more than likely won't qualify while a 50,000 hour lamp would. Big difference in quality.Next is lumen output. This is important because you can replace a 40 watt incandescant lamp with an LED bulb but make sure the lumen output of the LED lamp is similar to what you are going to replace. So a 40 watt incandescant light bulb emits about 450 lumens while a 4-5 watt LED emits about the same. The incandescant lamp will last about 1,200 hours while an LED could last 50,000 hours or more depending on the product.So in general, buyer beware. There are great LED products out there if you know what to look for and where to buy.

Friday, October 17, 2014

To Win the Brainstorming Game, Play by the Rules

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." - Albert EinsteinJust hearing the word "rules" can be a turnoff for many people. After all, rules might mean that they are going to be restricted, limited, or told what they are and are not allowed to do. But rules are essential. Every well-conducted group activity in the world has rules-sports, games, meetings, legal proceedings, medicine, classrooms, even extreme kick-boxing death matches.If a group of people are coming together to accomplish something, there must be some rules and guidelines established to ensure that the process runs smoothly and productively. This is precisely why Robert's Rules of Order has long been the accepted guidebook for conducting orderly and productive meetings.But nowhere is this more important than in a brainstorm, which can be fraught with perils, including...
Judgment/Negativity/Intimidation-Many people are naturally timid about sharing their thoughts, for fear of being viewed as foolish. Fear of judgment kills more ideation sessions than anything else, except perhaps...
Ego-Those people with the big, demonstrative egos are sure to assert the belief that their own ideas are golden, and everyone else's are flawed. Just one such ego-driven individual in a brainstorming session is enough to make it crash and burn. Put two or more in the room, and you're doomed.Outside Distractions-iPhones Blackberries cell phones, iPads, laptops, and other electronics almost always lead to distraction, split attention and attention "leaks." Offenders generally laugh off any criticism and chalk it up to "multitasking." But research has shown that effective multitasking is a myth. The more tasks one attempts to accomplish simultaneously, the less effective he or she is at any of them. And nowhere is this more evident than in a brainstorm.Off-Topic Conversation-Co-workers often take advantage of the opportunity to "catch up" with each other when they find themselves in a meeting together. Obviously this behavior is not conducive to effective brainstorming once the session is underway. The more time devoted to discussing the latest gossip or outside topics, the less will be focused on generating breakthrough ideas.Fortunately, introducing "Rules of the Game" can eliminate, or at least significantly minimize such disruptive challenges. By establishing a list of rules and guidelines for participation before the session, writing them down and posting them prominently in the room, introducing them to the group and, most important, getting universal agreement from all participants to abide by the rules, your brainstorms have a markedly greater chance of achieving super-productivity.Here is a list of some of the best-known and most effective "Rules of the Game" to get you started.

10 Brainstorming Rules of the Game
Suspend All Judgment-Criticism and judgment will inhibit participants from sharing ideas; ideas will be evaluated later on during the selection process.
There is No Such Thing as a Bad Idea-This is, perhaps, the most controversial truism in the world of brainstorming. Okay... yes, of course there are bad ideas. But not during the idea generation phase of your session. Why? Because even the worst sounding idea can contain the seed of a great idea within it. But you will never find out if that "bad idea" is shot down before it has a chance to be developed.
Maintain an Ego-Free Zone-A great idea can come from anybody at any time. In an effective group problem solving initiative, the originator of any idea is irrelevant.
Go for Quantity, Not Quality-For every 100 ideas generated, only a few will be truly original ones with real potential.
Embrace Wild, Audacious Ideas-You never know how far you can go until you've gone too far. It's better to push concepts to the edge, than be too conservative.
Build Upon One Another's Ideas-A group working collaboratively can generate bigger and better ideas than individuals working alone.
One Conversation at a Time-Side conversations create distractions and split the session's focus.
Nothing is Impossible-Yesterday's impossible ideas (flying, personal computers, 3-D movies, etc.) are today's realities. "Think forward."
No Texting or Emailing During the Session-Multi-tasking is a myth; texting distracts participants from the goal of generating ideas.
The Boss Speaks Last-When an authority figure participates in a brainstorm, his or her comments and opinions often sway or inhibit a group's exploration of ideas. Ask respectfully that the boss hold comments until all others have shared.
What should the brainstorm leader do when somebody breaks the rules? Simply point to the rule being broken, and then gently remind the perpetrator of his or her transgression-or better yet, encourage the group to be self-policing and good-naturedly remind each other. Then simply guide the group back to the task at hand.At first glance, the concept of "rules" might seem inconsistent with a spontaneous creative activity like brainstorming. But nothing could be further from the case. Rules actually provide greater freedom to your group, by creating a safe, open environment in which everyone will feel comfortable sharing.So start playing by the rules in all of your brainstorming sessions. You'll be amazed at how much more successful and productive they will be!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Introduction to Bitcoin

Bitcoin has been in the news the last couple of weeks, but a lot of people are still unaware of them. Could Bitcoin be the future of online currency? This is just one of the questions, frequently asked about Bitcoin.How Does Bitcoin Work?Bitcoin is a type of electronic currency (CryptoCurrency) that is autonomous from traditional banking and came into circulation in 2009. According to some of the top online traders, Bitcoin is considered as the best known digital currency that relies on computer networks to solve complex mathematical problems, in order to verify and record the details of each transaction made.The Bitcoin exchange rate does not depend on the central bank and there is no single authority that governs the supply of CryptoCurrency. However, the Bitcoin price depends on the level of confidence its users have, as the more major companies accept Bitcoin as a method of payment, the more successful Bitcoin will become.Benefits and Risks of BitcoinOne of the benefits of Bitcoin is its low inflation risk. Traditional currencies suffer from inflation and they tend to lose their purchasing power each year, as governments continue to use quantative easing to stimulate the economy.Bitcoin doesn't suffer from low inflation, because Bitcoin mining is limited to just 21 million units. That means the release of new Bitcoins is slowing down and the full amount will be mined out within the next couple of decades. Experts have predicted that the last Bitcoin will be mined by 2050.Bitcoin has a low risk of collapse unlike traditional currencies that rely on governments. When currencies collapse, it leads to hyperinflation or the wipeout of one's savings in an instant.Bitcoin exchange rate is not regulated by any government and is a digital currency available worldwide.Bitcoin is easy to carry. A billion dollars in the Bitcoin can be stored on a memory stick and placed in one's pocket. It is that easy to transport Bitcoins compared to paper money.One disadvantage of Bitcoin is its untraceable nature, as Governments and other organisations cannot trace the source of your funds and as such can attract some unscrupulous individuals.How to Make Money with BitcoinUnlike other currencies, there are three ways to make money with Bitcoin, saving, trading and mining. Bitcoin can be traded on open markets, which means you can buy Bitcoin low and sell them high.

Volatility of BitcoinThe value of Bitcoin dropped in recent weeks because of the abrupt stoppage of trading in Mt. Gox, which is the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world. According to unverified sources, trading was stopped due to malleability-related theft that was said to be worth more than 744,000. The incident has affected the confidence of the investors to the virtual currency.According to Bitcoin chart, the Bitcoin exchange rate went up to more than $1,100 last December. That was when more people became aware about the digital currency, then the incident with Mt. Gox happened and it dropped to around $530.In 2014, We expect exponential growth in the popularity of bitcoin around the world with both merchants and consumers, Stephen Pair, BitPay's co-founder and CTO, รข€œand anticipate seeing the biggest growth in China, India, Russia and South America.India has already been cited as the next likely popular market that Bitcoin could move into. Africa could also benefit hugely from using BTC as a currency-of-exchange to get around not having a functioning central bank system or any other country that relies heavily on mobile payments. Bitcoin's expansion in 2014 will be led by Bitcoin ATMs, mobile apps and tools.World Experiences BitcoinMore people have accepted the use of Bitcoin and supporters hope that one day, the digital currency will be used by consumers for their online shopping and other electronic deals. Major companies have already accepted payments using the virtual currency. Some of the large firms include Fiverr, TigerDirect and Zynga, among others.The Future of BitcoinBitcoin works, but critics have said that the digital currency is not ready to be used by the mainstream because of its volatility. They also point to the hacking of the Bitcoin exchange in the past that has resulted in the loss of several millions of dollars.Supporters of digital currencies have said that there are newer exchanges that are supervised by financial experts and venture capitalists. Experts added that there is still hope for the virtual currency system and the predicted growth is huge.I hope this article has helped you all gain a much more clear understanding of Bitcoin, the potential, does Bitcoin work and how Bitcoins work. For more articles about Bitcoin, weekly trends, information and updates, subscribe to our blog post.